Possibilities for a Better Future
Our mission is to turn our U.S. Veteran-led staff into experts, with life-long career skills that enable rewarding futures.
We started with 40 veterans living in the homeless facility at the VA Lyons Hospital in Lyons, NJ. Today, 85% to 90% of our staff are U.S. Veterans from every branch of the military. Many have seen combat and others have been stationed all around the world. Some have gone on to college, some have been hired by our customers or have moved on to other agencies to further their careers. And some continue their careers with Bright Star. They all have something in common: they have been trained by the most powerful military in the world and want to transfer those skills into careers with a future.

Sgt Marcus Cooper, US Army, Operation Iraqi Freedom
Meet Some of Our Heroes

“I was 16 went I went into the navy. I was in the Delayed Entry Program. I was in the navy for 10 years. It all changed in Beirut, Lebanon…the suicide bomber...I was flipping out…I didn’t know what to do. When it blew up I was looking at the beach and I saw the blast... I saw them all blow up."

"Most of us coming home don’t have jobs and can’t find them either. At Bright Star I learned a new career...they helped me get used to being home. Home life is really different from the military. In the military we’re brothers and sisters. I know I always have someone watching my back. Civilian life is unforgiving and scary." Marcus completed two tours of duty in Iraq and served with Bravo 2/29 FA and HHB 5/82 FA.

"Getting back into civilian life after deployment was a tremendous physical and mental struggle. The VA told me about Bright Star. I noticed right away that Bright Star’s people were different." Jay Haidara is a Veteran of the United States Marines (2001-2011). He was a Platoon Sergeant in charge of Intelligence and Detainee Processing during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Throughout Jay’s military career, he was awarded 19 different decorations.

"I was a flight equipment technician in the Air Force from 2004 to 2007. I learned comradery and what it was to have someone’s back. That was what I was used to. When I got home, there was no comradery in any jobs I got until I found Bright Star. I love it here. Bright Star’s a great place to work."

"Bright Star has become my home. When I came here, I was still living at the VA Lyons Medical Center. They helped me get back on my feet. I will always be thankful to Bright Star." Dan is a veteran of the United States Marine Corp. Stationed at Camp Pendleton in Oceanside California, he was a member of the Nuclear/Biological Chemical team.

"I was in the Marines for more than 10 years. When I got home, there was no honor and it didn’t matter that I fought for our country. There was no one looking out for me like in the service. Bright Star changed all that."
United States Army
United States Navy
United States Air Force
United States Marines
United States Marines
United States Marines

Transfer your military training and skills into long-term careers with Bright Star.

Work alongside other veterans, some from the same branch of the military, building comradery and trust along the way.

Learn news skills (tech and non-tech) that you can take into your future.

Embark on a career in an industry that is rapidly expanding.